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Difficult Boss Relationship Coaching

There is no denying that a lot depends on contact with the supervisor. I think each of us has sometimes heard the phrase "I don't get along with the boss" - we even uttered it ourselves. However, disagreement is not the worst possible situation, although it undoubtedly affects the level of our job satisfaction.
In extreme cases, conflicts with your supervisor may even be an incentive to throw the notice on his/her desk. Can such relations with a difficult boss be improved?

Difficult situation at work - how can it be solved?

As in the case of other relationships in our life, it will be helpful to improve them by "learning" the preferences of our supervisor. Deciding how we will respond in certain situations is one possible solution to help us alleviate conflicts.
What are the benefits of Relationship Coaching with a Difficult Boss? Our meetings can be helpful in determining your personality type and that of your supervisor, what approach you prefer when solving problems and what degree of communication you expect. Diversity in these aspects is a frequent source of conflict, but it 
is not an insurmountable obstacle. If you feel that acquiring such skills in interpersonal relations will be useful for you, signing up for our coaching sessions will be a good option. 

Relationship Coaching with a Difficult Boss - a few details

As with our other coaching sessions, similar conditions apply to the meetings described here.
The basis is a session lasting 1 hour, the cost of which is EUR 100+VAT. The frequency of meetings is one session per week, which takes place using the selected Internet messenger.
However, these principles are only a kind of basis - each situation is different and often requires an individual approach, which we can also provide. Whatever the case may be, the Tough Boss Relationship coaching sessions are confidential and based on shared trust. We enter into a kind of contract that is supposed to bring a specific result - but if you are dissatisfied with it, we can terminate it or modify it accordingly.

How to deal with a difficult boss - first tips

We invite you to take advantage of the first tips and hints on how to deal with a difficult boss.

On our blog, we have published posts dedicated to the topic of relations with the boss or boss.

The tips and knowledge they contain about the style of obtaining information, learning and making decisions are effective not only in dealing with the boss, but also in dealing with difficult employees or clients.


Difficult Boss Relationship Coaching - Empowerment Coaching Krakow

Empowerment Coaching

address: Chełmonskiego 130F Str., 31-340 Krakow, Lesser Poland
e-mail: kontakt @, phone: + 48 661438113

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