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Coaching Krakow - contact us

Realizing that we need support in dealing with our problems,

is the first step to solving them. The second is contact with the person who will listen to us

and will help in dealing with difficulties.

In the online form or e-mail, specify in which area we can help you

- is your situation related to problems in your personal life or the workplace?

Are you contacting us as an individual or business customer?

Are you interested in online sessions, office meetings, or maybe walks?

We commit to replying within 1 workday.

Please be aware that our workweek ends on Thursday at 6 p.m.

For more details please refer to the section Principles and Prices.


Empowerment Coaching tries to help clients in many ways,

regardless of their situation, age, workplace, and position.

Please provide us with as much information as you deem appropriate and then click "Send".

What will our coaching sessions look like?

At this stage, don't worry about the details - we'll arrange them later, at our first face-to-face meeting.

And if necessary, we will change our assumptions,

adjusting them to your needs.

Write to us
or fill in the form

Due to the nature of our work, please make the first contact
by e-mail or via the form

kontakt @
+48 661438113

Empowerment Coaching Krakow Contact

Thank you for submitting the form!

Here you will find our location in Krakow

Empowerment Coaching ©  is a brand of Holistica Sp. z o. o., Chelmonskiego 130F Str., 31-340 Krakow, province Lesser Poland​

KRS: 0000848112, NIP: 9452236421, REGON: 386429066

Coaching on-line: Contact

Empowerment Coaching

address: Chełmonskiego 130F Str., 31-340 Krakow, Lesser Poland
e-mail: kontakt @, phone: + 48 661438113

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