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Empowerment Coaching Krakow Logo

Business and life coaching, mentoring,
Krakow, online sessions 

Welcome to the space of Your Development! 


If there is a problem or challenge in your life and you don't know how to face it - we can offer you support
and guidance that will help you get back on track. We conduct professional coaching sessions in Krakow
or online, during which we will listen to your thoughts and doubts.
Together with you, we will attempt to objectively assess your difficult personal or business situation.
We will analyze various factors and arguments 
and support you in the search for a way out that is best for you.

Specialists who are close to you 

As part of our activities, we conduct both business and life coaching. During our sessions, we can discuss private and professional situations with you. Our specialists also have the baggage of personal experience, thanks to which they can empathize with your difficult private or professional situation.

As people who got to know the realities of small businesses and large corporations,
during sessions, we can help you set achievable goals for the development of your career.

Professional career counseling 

A qualified business coach is a person who will help you reach deeper into yourself and discover new features, strengths, or obstacles that you may not even be aware of. Problems related to professional life, such as difficulties in building proper relationships, fatigue with remote work, or difficulties in building a career,
are not alien to us. We will be happy to share our business experience with you during the sessions
to help you overcome barriers and achieve success. 

Support in private life 

Life coaching is a very individual matter - we know that there are no repeatable scenarios in life. Therefore, thanks to the tools used in the sessions, such as psychometric tests, we can speed up the problem-solving process and obtain valuable tips on the best solutions.

Together with you, we will analyze the challenges that have come your way and equip you with effective techniques and methods that you will be able to apply immediately 
- also in business life.

Business and life coaching in Krakow or online 

We can conduct our meetings using one of the instant messengers - unless you decide to take walking sessions in Krakow's parks or around the city.

Write us an e-mail or use the web form in which you specify
what type of session you are interested in.

We offer coaching for: Career, Leadership, Effectiveness at Work, Relations with a Difficult Boss, Assertiveness, Remote Work, Life Coaching, and Business Mentoring 


These are areas in which we feel very comfortable and can help find the best solution
to the problems you are having.

We have been conducting sessions for individual and business clients for many years.

We also know the corporate world well from personal experience.

Let's talk. Questions have great power. They open up possibilities. Especially the hard questions. 

Our cooperation can be enriched by the use of various Psychometric Tests which enable,
among others getting to know your personality type
or recognizing your own strengths, 
interests, and values.

If in doubt, please read Our customers' opinions
Will it be easy? NO. Will it be worth it? YES.
The first session is always free and does not oblige you to anything.

Before making the final decision, we also invite you to familiarize yourself with a separate subpage
What does the first coaching session look like?

You can also check another dedicated subpage that answers the question:
How to find the right business coach?


Here is our offer: 

coaching kariery - Empowerment Coaching Krakow
leadership coaching - Empowerment Coaching Kraków
coaching relacji - Empowerment Coaching Kraków

This is a favorite topic
among our customers.

For many of us, fulfillment in a business career constitutes a factor that has an impact not only on our good mood but also on our self-esteem.

On the other hand, personal failures are a source of frustration and doubts about our own abilities.

Career sessions are designed to identify our strengths and weaknesses in business, on the basis of which we will build an ideal career path project.

Throughout the session, we will work on finding the intrinsic motivation and strength that will push you forward.

To better describe the predispositions and competencies, we can also use supporting tests and questionnaires.

We don't really like the word "Leadership". In our opinion, this term has already so worn elbows and knees that huge holes are sticking out of them.  

We prefer to talk about

the Leader Human

and the interpenetration of various aspects that such a multidimensional being as a Human faces at work.

We help in such a way that
the Leader is able to create with the team a relationship that is based on authenticity and trust.

There is no need to pretend, or play games, and therefore no need to waste a huge amount of energy that is necessary for keeping up appearances.

At the same time, based on many years of hands-on experience in managerial roles, we can help in developing very specific skills.

Probably each of us has experienced a similar problem at some point.

Being in such a situation is nothing pleasant.

During the sessions, we will help you decide whether the situation is so serious that the only solution is to change your job.

During the session, we will also consider whether there is a way to win over the superior without bending the values
we hold personally. 

Together, we will look for ways to help improve this important business relationship. Perhaps the initiative is on our side.

coach online - Empowerment Coaching Kraków
coaching online - Empowerment Coaching Kraków
 coaching asertywności - Empowerment Coaching Kraków

Am I a liked person in my team?

Do I meet the expectations set for me? Are my efforts appreciated?

Everyday business duties can be a source of a lot of uncertainty and even fear of losing a job.

Work efficiency sessions will help you distinguish which factors are
under your control and which
are beyond your control.

We will analyze how your personal attitude and behavior affect others,
how you can be perceived,
and therefore what you can improve.

Our sessions will enable your business development which will help you become confident in your skills.

Special times have come.

There have not been such yet.

In 2020, we got "locked in a square".

In the square of our rooms,

our computer screens,

and often our thinking.

The feeling of separation, loneliness, or even the fear that the world may forget about us can be very overwhelming.

The Empowerment Coaching team is also working remotely now.

And we do our best to wisely absorb this new reality and not so much develop

"how to think out of the box" thinking,

but rather "how to get rid of the box",

on the overall plan of life

- not only at work.

We have created times characterized by a chronic shortage of time (sic!).

Each person is chasing somewhere,
in a hurry. We rush from one business call to another, we even go to the bathroom in our headphones.

When we deal with one matter, we have the impression that we should already be doing something else.

During sessions, we help to stop and learn to say NO - without fear or guilt.

This will make you stop acting in business because of fear,

you will have no difficulty NOT doing something, and you will not build up
your day to the ceiling.

life coaching - Empowerment Coaching Kraków
Empowerment Coaching Krakow Coachingowe Spacery
coaching biznesowy - Empowerment Coaching Kraków

There are times when
we just need support.

We are overwhelmed by increasing personal, business, and social problems, and we don't know
how to get out of them. 

Our sessions will help you declutter your mind, resolve unpleasant matters, overcome difficult situations, and reevaluate your priorities. 

Coping with a crisis can be a stimulus for wonderful, long-awaited changes.

Our sessions, however, will not replace the advice of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. 

If we find it necessary, we will tell you about it openly.

Coaching Walks

We can discuss your problems
and doubts in the talks held 

during a stroll.

If you feel that video calls
do not meet your expectations,
a session in nature may be something you need.

We can discuss your problem 
away from the hustle and bustle
of the business, 
in one of the valleys near Krakow.

We can also arrange a session
while walking in the park.

The nature that surrounds us
and additional physical activity,

even so small, will positively influence your mood and will help you open up.

Coaching is an amazing journey.

Also for the Coach.

Thanks to coaching conversations,

we are constantly learning.

Our meetings are also a natural inspiration to create new proposals for services. The ones that best suit our times (already famous VUCA times).

So soon you can expect more services ...


And we would like to take advantage

of this opportunity

and wholeheartedly thank our Clients.


Thanks to you, we have learned a lot about ourselves and Humanity.

Our offer includes both:

Coaching for Individual Clients and Coaching for Business Clients. 

The coaching topics and processes presented on this page apply to both.

What is business coaching? 

Business coaching is a process supporting the personal and professional development of employees of a given organization and the company pays for it. Regardless of the industry, it supports entrepreneurs and employees in achieving their professional goals. It is a tripartite agreement between the business coach, the client and his organization. Each of these three parties is involved and responsible for the success of the entire process.

​Depending on the needs of the organization and business goals, it may take the form of individual coaching or team coaching.

Advantages of business coaching 


The topics of the coaching contracts presented on this page apply in both cases.

In the main menu of our site, you will also find

where the following topics are presented in a very comprehensive way:

Differences between Coaching and Mentoring

Types of Coaching

Models used in Coaching

Tips on How to Choose a Coach

Coaching Benefits

Problem Solving Leader vs. Leader as a Coach

The most dangerous Coaching Mistakes

Coaching History

The situation of the last two years caused that the main form of coaching has become

But our experience from the last two years also shows that the remote form of cooperation does not affect the quality at all. And recently published Customers' opinions in fact concern online coaching.

The Empowerment Coaching website is not only a well-thought-out and well-designed coaching portal containing reliable information on personal and business coaching and mentoring.

It is also

There you will find not only topics related to coaching, but most of all valuable information and inspiration, the aim of which is to consistently and consciously strive to achieve the highest sense of comfort in your life, not only at work.

So, even if you do not intend to use coaching, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter. We will regularly send you information about the latest trends in management, motivation, engagement, and work culture.

But most of all, our blog contains valuable information that helps everyone, regardless of age and experience, position at work, and place in life, become a better and more fulfilled person.

We have specially designed the free downloads available in various forms and formats.

Each of us has a preferred style of learning, obtaining information, and making decisions.

So you will find free e-books, guidebooks, tools, tests, templates, inspirations, photos, and graphic designs, where graphics are combined with inspirational quotes, explanations, and humor.

In addition, we designed the downloads to apply to both

Business Coaching and Life Coaching.

As of today, our free offer includes:

 Life Coaching, - guidebook "What values do you follow in life?"

 Life Coaching - Free ebook "How do emotions arise?"

 Business Coaching, Executive Coaching - Free ebook and coaching questions for a business leader

 Free eBook and HSP test - Highly Sensitive Personality

 The Wheel of Life Templates for free download in pdf format

Ikigai - Japanese secret of longevity - pdf diagram for printing

Imposter Syndrome - test free to do yourself 

Assertiveness test for adults according to the Rathus method

 ​Free The Library of Wisdom Pills, that is photos with wise quotes in English

 ​List of 50 Cognitive Biases available for download in the form of infographics


We sincerely hope that this free offer will bring many benefits and extra smile for both you and your team 

(there's a lot of sense of humor).

Finally, we encourage you - to get to know our team! Even if you are not interested in coaching in Krakow.

We write "preliminary" because we believe only a personal session gives reliable information about a person.

We invite you to contact us first - via e-mail or the form available on the website contact

- and then we will agree on our first long personal conversation.

During this conversation, we will answer any questions about our coaching and mentoring offer.

We work according to the standards of the International Coach Federation
and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

Tired young woman suffering from migrain
Eyes fatigue at work, tired exhausted bu
LENS FLARE: Caucasian recreational rider

Work for the Cause,
not for applause
Live to express yourself
and not impress others

More details in <Principles & Prices>

Schedule first,
free coaching session

kontakt @

coach biznesowy - Empowerment Coaching Kraków

Empowerment Coaching

address: Chełmonskiego 130F Str., 31-340 Krakow, Lesser Poland
e-mail: kontakt @, phone: + 48 661438113

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We send them once every 4 weeks

©2019 by Empowerment Coaching

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