What does the first coaching session look like?
The first coaching session, like everything we do for the first time, is very important for the next steps. And also in the case of the first coaching session, the effect of the first impression plays an important role. The first coaching session is the beginning of a unique coaching journey, which is to lead the client to achieve their goals and realize their needs. Usually, as an aside effect, much more happens during this cooperation. The client leaves with a much better understanding of themselves and gains discoveries that were not expected at the beginning. And for the coach, it is always a great opportunity to learn, to get to know various personalities and styles of thinking, and hone their skills.
Here we will describe what the first coaching session at Empowerment Coaching looks like. You will find out what its main goal is, what its course looks like, what you can expect from it, and whether you need to prepare in a certain way for the first coaching session. It is not without reason that in the case of support provided by Empowerment Coaching, the first coaching session is free of charge.
The main goal of the first coaching session
The main goal of the first coaching session is to get to know two unique people and "get a feel" for each other. Coaching is a very individual and intimate relationship. If the chances of building a good relationship and catching a common wave are small - please look for another coach who will suit you. This is absolutely natural and there is nothing wrong with that. It's just the variety of life, and a good coach doesn't aspire to be the best and only solution for everyone.
From the coach's perspective, the first coaching session also brings information about the type of problem with which the client comes. What the client talks about and how he talks about it is the basis for the coach to decide whether and how he will be able to honestly help the client.
Thus, as a result of the first session, the coach also makes an autonomous decision on whether he wants to enter into this cooperation. An example of a situation where a coach may NOT decide to conclude a coaching contract is the area of Life Coaching. In special cases, the coach may recommend that the client turns to a qualified psychotherapist.
So, unlike subsequent sessions, which focus mainly on the client, the first coaching session is for both the client and the coach.
Other goals of the first coaching session
In our case, the first coaching session also serves other purposes. During it, we want to provide information about how we understand coaching (in particular, how it differs from mentoring), what coaching method we use, and what principles we follow in our work. Our intention is also to clarify the difference in roles between the coach and the client and to understand well who is responsible for what in the coaching relationship. The purpose of the first session is also to enable the client to ask any questions and discuss important details of potential cooperation, such as costs, method of settlement as well as the frequency and form of meetings.
All this is aimed at providing YOU with possibly complete information that will allow you to make an informed decision about whether you want and can enter into coaching cooperation.
That is why at Empowerment Coaching the first coaching session is free.
Our experience also shows that during the first coaching session, the goal that the client wants to achieve is jointly outlined and then specified in the next session. Thanks to this, the client already experiences what coaching is and often comes out of the first session with inspiring questions on which he/she starts working.
What does the first coaching session look like?
Although each meeting and each relationship is a very individual matter, and a good coach follows the client, the course of the first coaching session looks similar, orderly.
It is also worth mentioning that this is the session in which the coach talks relatively the most (compared to subsequent sessions) and often answers the client's questions (as opposed to asking questions, with which the coach mainly works later).
So if we wanted to show what the course of the first coaching session looks like, it would look like this:
Welcome and "small talk"
Brief introductions of both parties
Depending on how the first inquiry was formulated by the client (sent by e-mail or via an online form), outlining or specifying the topic with which the client comes
Finding out by the coach whether the client has already encountered coaching or mentoring
Definition of coaching explained by the coach
Coach's explanation of the foundations of the GROW method and what the client and the coach are responsible for in coaching
Explaining the rules of cooperation, presenting the coaching code
Outlining what to expect during a coaching session
Explanation of the technical rules of cooperation (form, frequency, booking, and cancellation of sessions)
Depending on the time available, deepening the topic with which the client comes and outlining the definition of the goal. Experiencing coaching in practice
Clarification of financial terms
Summary and checking readiness to make decisions by both sides
Decision on the next concrete steps
Session closure
How to prepare for the first coaching session?
We want to reassure you right away that you do not need to prepare in any special way for the first coaching session. We only have two requests.
First, before the first session, think about what problem you would like to solve or what goal you would like to achieve. The coach will do their job and help you clarify and perhaps even change your topic.
Secondly, ensure comfortable conversation conditions that guarantee privacy and peace of mind. It is very important. If you fall into the first session with momentum chasing in a hurry from another call - the coach will help you stop and slow down. But if possible - arrange the timing of the first coaching session so that you have at least 15 minutes of time to yourself and can focus on it. We also kindly ask you to use a computer, not a mobile phone, for the video call. This greatly affects the quality of the conversation and the benefits you will get from it.
Session duration
In most cases, the first conversation lasts 60 minutes. We are flexible and depending on how the conversation develops during the session, its duration may exceed the agreed 1 hour.
As part of the agreed coaching process, meetings may take place at different frequencies, and their duration is adjusted to the personality and needs of the Client. It may be, for example, 90 minutes once every two weeks or 60 minutes once a week.
Is the first coaching session a sales attempt?
You may wonder if the coach will try to use the first session to sell himself, and therefore perhaps even employ sophisticated selling techniques.
Well, this is not the case with Empowerment Coaching. After years of regular coaching practice, we do not try to sell ourselves during the first coaching session. During this session, we try to be ourselves. In fact, we don't even try and we don't even think about how we should appear - we're just being attentive and curious about you.
We believe in the power of authenticity, including the imperfection that comes with it. So we're not trying to be someone we're not. And because we are constantly working on our skills and professional knowledge - we trust ourselves. We also know our boundaries and we want to make our decision to enter coaching cooperation in a conscious way.
In fact, signing a coaching contract at all costs is a recipe for a big failure. And it's a long-term failure. Because ultimately, a dissatisfied customer can pass on their negative opinions to the world. But that's not even the point. In an unmatched coaching relationship, the coach also gets tired. And it's frustrating for the coach. This contradicts the fundamental principles to which the coach is supposed to lead their clients. So it's all about truth, consistency, credibility, and authenticity.