Psychometric Tests
During our meetings, tools that are used in workplaces can be very useful
to assess the potential of employees and job candidates. Analyzes and psychometric tests,
based on questionnaires, are a valuable supplement to coaching practice.
For example, they help to expand self-awareness faster and identify areas for development more precisely.
Depending on the needs and decisions of the client, we can use tests focusing on researching
various aspects of personality. competencies, skills, values, and even interests.
Great People Inside Online Psychometric Testing Platform
We offer analyses developed by the company Great People Inside. Their most important advantage is the extremely rich set of aspects that can be assessed (currently 129), combined with great flexibility
personalization of the questionnaire.
Time devoted to psychometric tests and feedback after their completion can pay off well in the future. The obtained results will certainly be the basis for discussions during our sessions
and a valuable tip for planning further development.
We can devote one of our meetings
to discuss the advantages of each questionnaire.
This call will be FREE.
It is not necessary to link the tests with coaching,
Types of Psychometric Tests
Before we decide on a psychometric test, it is worth understanding what method is used and what it focuses on.
Let us briefly try to organize the knowledge on this subject and provide some information on the methods of modeling various psychometric tests.
For example, personality is a very complex structure and, frankly speaking, psychology as science still has a problem with an unambiguous and precise definition of this concept. So before we decide to choose a test, let's be aware of whether we are talking about a personality, competence, or behavior test.
It is also important to understand whether a given test is an ipsative test, i.e. showing how the subject assesses himself or not, or a normative test, i.e. showing how the subject is perceived by others.
Personality Tests - two basic types
In psychological practice, two types of research are distinguished:
1. The first of these are psychometric tests. They are based on appropriately constructed (and, importantly, calibrated on a sufficiently large and representative test group) questionnaires and assume that the subjects will be completely honest when answering individual test questions. Proper testing and calibration of the test algorithm before it is available "on the market" is of great importance for the credibility of its results. The answers are influenced by such aspects as gender, age, or even the country's culture.
In dry language, a credible test must meet 5 scientific criteria:
and normalization.
2. The second type is the so-called projection testing. These are personality studies in which the examined person creates and presents various types of artifacts using their subconsciousness. In simplified terms, it can be said that it corresponds to the principle of associations. For this purpose, specially developed creative or introspective exercises are used. The examined person knows about being the subject of the test, but gives answers unconsciously, not knowing what the given exercise is related to.
Psychometric tests are readily available, especially online. And projection tests are mainly used in clinical practice, so they are really aimed at diagnosing serious disorders.
Personality Psychometric Test available online
Among the psychometric tests of personality and behavior, we can find the following solutions on the market:
Big Five,
Insights Discovery,
16 Personality Factor (16PF),
Hogan's test,
StrenghtsFinder 2.0 / CliftonStrenghts (also known as Gallup's test),
Reiss Motivation Test RMP (Reiss Motivation Profile)
Some of them are available free of charge. And not all of them are currently available in your native language (e.g. Gallup's test).
If you are interested in a comprehensive comparison of the most important psychometric tests available on the market, I invite you to read a specially written article on this subject:
Comprehensive comparison of personality tests and behavior tests
There you will find very comprehensive information on the characteristics of individual tests, links to websites with online tests, data on the current prices of individual tests, and examples of reports obtained as a result of performing individual psychometric tests.
Psychometric tests available from Empowerment Coaching
Empowerment Coaching is an authorized Channel Partner of Great People Inside (GPI). The most important advantage of the psychometric tests offered on the GPI platform is the extremely rich set of aspects that can be assessed (129 at the moment!), Combined with the great flexibility of personalizing the questionnaire.
In addition to the possibility of selecting individual aspects for the study, the offer also includes ready-made, properly designed, and calibrated questionnaires that allow you to examine a selected area comprehensively. Among them, for example:
Leader in VUCA World,
Remote Manager,
Customer Service,
or Feedback 360.
A full list of ready-made modules can be found on the Great People Inside - Solutions website
They can be used both privately, and in relation to one person, as well as for the needs of the company, when, for example, we want to examine the level of competencies in a given population of employees or collect 360-degree feedback for a given person or group of people.
The time spent on psychometric tests and the feedback obtained after their completion may pay off in the future. The results obtained can be a great starting point for coaching sessions and be a valuable hint for planning further personal development.
At this point, we will focus on a brief description of each of the seven most frequently chosen tests from our offer. If you need additional information, if you want to ask questions, or if you want to discuss different options before making a decision - please contact us and arrange a free 1-hour introductory session.
The Big Five Personality Test
The Big Five is a personality model by Paul Costa and Robert McCrea. Why the Big Five and not the Four? Because the test covers 5 personality factors, i.e .:
openness to experiences,
and diligence.
GR8 Big5 Behaviors focuses on exploring the areas of personality most conducive to high performance. From conscientiousness to resilience and persistence, all of the character traits available in this assessment make a significant contribution to predicting future performance.
Along with GR8 Cognitive and GR8 Interests, GR8 Big5 Behaviors offers the most advanced tools currently available solution for predicting job results.
Full Spectrum Test
GR8 Full Spectrum is an excellent tool for comprehensive assessment in all areas, from behavioral characteristics to cognitive skills and professional interests. By using this tool, you will be able to get a full picture of your potential. This assessment also provides suggestions for future development.
The Leader in the VUCA World Test
As individuals entrusted with a high level of responsibility, it is clear that managers benefit greatly from a comprehensive assessment of their personalities and skills.
Drawing inspiration from the publications of Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, GR8 Leader in VUCA World focuses on identifying management potential from several different angles. They include three main management features, i.e .:
1. honesty,
2. foresight,
3. serving inspiration,
as well as the ability to work with people of all ages and in the VUCA environment.
Values Test
The GR8 Values analysis covers aspects such as:
and responsibility,
and it can be personalized in these areas.
Becoming aware of your preferred values can be an extremely valuable experience. Being clear about our values acts as a compass to guide us through Life and make decisions easier. Especially difficult or incomplete decisions.
Professional Interests Test
As a result of 60 years of research and meta-analyzes, a high degree of correlation between professional interests and performance in the workplace has been identified. That is why a set of high-accuracy statements has been developed that can measure employee interests against six main aspects:
realism, insight, creativity, sociability, conventionality, and entrepreneurship.
They make it possible to define the level and combination of interests on the basis of which the results of work in each position can be predicted.
Cognitive Ability Test
The GR8 Cognitive Plus assessment examines the same skills as the GR8 Cognitive assessment, including reasoning ability and proficiency in working with numbers and words.
While GR8 Cognitive is primarily focused on manage-self positions, GR8 Cognitive Plus includes assessment elements designed to identify individuals with high management potential or practical leadership skills.
Wellbeing Test
The idea that people should be able to maintain a work-life balance is not new, but respected psychologists such as Martin Seligman, Paul Zack, and John Medina have shown that people's overall well-being also plays a key role in predicting their performance at work.
Based on the latest theories in industry and organizational psychology, the GR8 Wellbeing analysis can be used to identify the overall well-being of employees, thereby increasing job satisfaction and preventing burnout.