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Coaching Blog - Personal Development

Ryszard Skarbek
Mar 11, 202313 min read
HSP Highly Sensitive Person - what is their uniqueness?
The term Highly Sensitive Person HSP was first coined by psychologist Elaine Aron (1996), who herself is a person with high sensitivity...

Ryszard Skarbek
Jun 24, 20215 min read
Where are the limits of our brain's capabilities?– ep. 2
Today there is a lot more information about what really happens in our brain during meditation and why it is so beneficial.

Ryszard Skarbek
Feb 14, 20212 min read
Maurice Ravel – Engineer or Composer?
Ravel, thanks to deadly precision, has earned the reputation of a "perfect watchmaker". He considered himself a composer of mind, not heart

Ryszard Skarbek
Aug 7, 20206 min read
Innovation in Isolation - How to Trigger your Creativity
There is solid evidence that proves why solitude, if harnessed mindfully, can improve our creativity in everyday life. And it all starts...

Ryszard Skarbek
Jul 30, 20203 min read
Where are the limits of our brain's capabilities? - ep. 1
In 1973, Dr. Gerald Oster published in Scientific American a groundbreaking article entitled “Auditory Beats in the Brain”...
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