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Coaching Blog - Personal Development

Ryszard Skarbek
Nov 14, 20234 min read
The metaphor of human life - pencil analogies examples
Today, let's explore the metaphor of human life presented in the form of a beautiful story about a pencil about to become alive. The...

Ryszard Skarbek
May 14, 20235 min read
Loyalty at work. Corporate life
Today we are entering the ground of competition and pressure, uncertainty and anxiety, fatigue and repetition. So we're going to our...

Ryszard Skarbek
Apr 9, 20232 min read
What do heaven and hell look like
One day Swami asked Shiva: "Lord, tell me what heaven and hell look like?" - You wanna know? Come with me. I will show you.

Ryszard Skarbek
Jan 2, 20223 min read
New Year resolutions for busy people
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference

Ryszard Skarbek
Sep 26, 20213 min read
Self-coaching - life priorities and free guidebook
How often do you ask yourself: what is important to me in Life? How well do you know the answer to this question?

Ryszard Skarbek
Aug 27, 20214 min read
Self-esteem Coaching. Money - how much are YOU worth?
Are we sure that with full conviction and without anxiety we can say that having a lot of money is a great thing?

Ryszard Skarbek
Jun 18, 20212 min read
Do you know the value of your time? Life Values coaching
Imagine that a certain bank transfers 86,400 $ to your account every morning. The balance remaining from one day is not transferred...

Ryszard Skarbek
May 23, 20212 min read
On Mother's Day
A man stopped by a gift shop to buy a gift for Mother's Day. He wanted to send it to his mother, who lived in a city 200 km away...

Ryszard Skarbek
Apr 24, 20213 min read
UBUNTU Philosophy. What does the unity mean in South Africa?
The anthropologist offered some fun to children from the tribe in Africa. He placed the basket full of fruit next to one of the trees and...

Ryszard Skarbek
Nov 14, 20204 min read
Why do we need Life Values? – ep. 3
It is no coincidence that VALUES are one of the first threads that appeared on this blog ...

Ryszard Skarbek
Oct 20, 20203 min read
Why do we need Life Values? – ep. 2
Generally, we can distinguish 3 qualitatively different periods that have a very significant impact on our values:

Ryszard Skarbek
Oct 10, 20205 min read
Why do we need Life Values? - ep. 1
How often do you ask yourself: what is important to me in Life? How well do you know the answer to this question?

Ryszard Skarbek
Sep 27, 20203 min read
Life Coaching - I'm busy, therefore I am
We have created times that are chronically short on time. Everyone is chasing somewhere, in a hurry...
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