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Divine proportion — a myth or an imprint of the Divine Mathematician?

Divine Proportion-Empowerment Coaching Krakow

There is ample scientific evidence that the Universe is one harmonious system. The key to understanding this harmony, and at the same time to seeing unity in everything, is the so-called “Divine Proportion.”

Bruce Rawles, the author of “The Geometry Code” book and website, describes it as follows:

The divine proportion was carefully researched by the Greek sculptor Phidias and therefore it was called the number fi (phi). Fi, also known as the golden mean, magic proportion, Fibonacci sequence and so on, can be found throughout the universe; from galaxy spirals to nautilus mollusk shells; from the harmony of music to beauty in art. A botanist will find it in the growth patterns of flowers and plants, and a zoologist in breeding rabbits. The entomologist discerns phi in the bee genealogy, and the physicist observes in the behavior of light and atoms. An analyst from Wall Street finds it in a pattern of ups and downs in the stock market, a mathematician examining a five-pointed star (…) The ancient Egyptians used the golden number in the construction of all pyramids and in the patterns of hieroglyphs on the walls of the tomb (…) Plato in his “Timajos” considered divine proportion as the most binding of all mathematical relationships and made it the key to space physics.

What is the divine proportion?

This is the ratio of 1: 1.618

Where we can find the Divine Proportion and the Golden Ratio?

Fibonacci sequence

Let’s take a closer look at the Fibonacci sequence. Fibonacci learned the rule of this sequence from merchants in the Aryan civilizations of Asia. The Fibonacci sequence begins with the number 1, and each subsequent number is formed by adding the previous two numbers in that sequence:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,…. e.t.c

Fibonacci numbers, and especially the ratio of two consecutive numbers, are common in nature. For example, the petals of the Monterey cone are arranged in spirals that intersect in two directions: eight spirals in one direction and thirteen spirals in the other. Similar patterns are created in the sunflower flower palette or, for example, in plants whose leaves grow spirally around the stem. Each subsequent leaf can be on the opposite side (1/2 circle) or it can be placed on 2/3 circle, 3/5, etc.

Beginning with 3, the ratio of any two consecutive Fibonacci numbers is 1: 1.618.

It’s just a logarithmic ratio. It is common in nature in all the spirals that underlie the growth process. It is visible in the bend of the elephant’s tusks, wild sheep’s horns, and canary’s claws, in the structure of pineapple and daisy. Our fingerprints are also subject to this rule.

The number of phi in a person

The human body is also built according to this proportion. The brilliant Leonardo da Vinci discovered it and included it in the famous sketch of the Vitruvian Man (presented on the header of this article).

Golden Proportion in space

The planets of our solar system are distant from the sun in line with this proportion (the so-called Titius-Bode law), and the galaxies develop in the rhythm of this golden spiral. It seems that the Fibonacci sequence defines the law on which the emanation of all energy in nature is based.

Exactly. What is this energy?

Modern physics proves that the whole perceived world is made of vibrations. Gravity, electromagnetism, light, heat, and even matter are wave phenomena. Every living organism vibrates and is in fact a wave phenomenon, a sinusoid that has a specific frequency and amplitude.

Fourier's principle

Did you know that every shape in this world, no matter how complicated, can be made of a simple sum of pure sinusoids? This is called the Fourier series.

Harmonic tones

But this is not the end of the fascinating surprises.

It turns out that mathematics continues uninterruptedly at the basis of music, and more precisely the frequency of individual sounds and octaves. I mean here the harmonic theory. Already in the days of Pythagoras, acoustic proportions were known — they formed the basis of both music and physics. Pythagoras worked with the so-called monochord, that is, a box containing one string inside. The sound of a full-length string is the fundamental lowest tone. But it turns out that half the string makes the octave and the third makes the fifth. One-fourth of the string again forms the fundamental tone, but different by two octaves from the original, and one-eighth different by three octaves.

All tones can therefore be represented as corresponding parts of the entire string.

Interestingly, thanks to the understanding of the proportional harmonic tones of music, the planets Uranus and Pluto were discovered.

As mentioned above, the Titius-Bode law was formulated in 1772 and set a hypothesis regarding the value of the distance of individual planets from the sun, measured in the so-called astronomical units. We calculate these values ​​by assuming that the number 4 is the average distance of Mercury from the Sun, and then adding it to the sequence as follows:

4 + (3 × 0) = 4 4 + (3 × 1) = 7 4 + (3 × 2) = 10 4 + (3 × 4) = 16 4 + (3 × 8) = 28 etc.

The actual distances of individual planets measured later were:

Mercury 0.387 Venus 0.723 Earth 1,000 Mars 1.524 Ceres 2.77 etc.

It turns out, therefore, that the musical octave expresses a universal law that applies to both astronomical periods, the frequency of the Earth’s electromagnetic pulses, as well as to vibrational microbiological phenomena. Interestingly, you can even be tempted to see the connection with quantum physics. Note that when you slide your finger along the guitar string, only certain notes sound. The tones jump from one position to the next arranged in a quantum manner, not as a continuum.

So it seems that at each level of the macro and microcosm, the vibration is spinning in a spiral as a cosmic octave describing the process of eight steps and seven intervals.

The Seven appears to be a key organizational system in the universe.

There are seven notes on the musical scale and seven colors of the rainbow. The transformation of one cell into another takes place over a period of time that has eight phases and seven intervals, similar to the musical octave or the spectrum of light. There are seven rows of elements on the periodic table. There are seven kinds of crystal arrangement. There are seven main hormonal glands in the human body, which in esoterics correspond to the seven chakras. The chambers of the skull are also seven.

Could all this be a coincidence? It seems not.

Galileo wrote that mathematics is the alphabet by which God described the universe. The astronomer Johann Kepler said explicitly: “God is a mathematician.”

And don’t you see a remarkable similarity to the ancient Far East belief systems that are centered around the concept of sacred sound vibration? According to the Vedas, for example, the world was created by singing.

The sound of “Om” is there the basic vibration of creation, the mother of all sounds. Mantras, tantras, sacred syllables are the foundations of spiritual practices in these systems. Nadha Brahma means “God is Sound”.

Fritjof Capra, author of the famous book “Tao of Physics” sums it up like this:

The phenomenon of waves occurs in many different contexts throughout physics, and wherever it occurs, it can be described with the same mathematical formalism. The same formulas are used to describe a light wave, a vibrating guitar string, a sound wave, or a water wave. In quantum physics, they are used to describe the waves associated with particles (…) This leads us to a new concept of a unitary whole that contradicts the idea that the world could be broken down into separate and independently existing parts.

And Alexandra David-Neel writes in her classic explanation of Tibetan cosmology:

All things (…) are clusters of atoms that dance and cause sounds with their movement. When the rhythm of the dance changes, the sound that accompanies it also changes (…). Each atom sings its song over and over; this sound creates compact and subtle forms at every moment.

So I invite everyone to dance with Life 🙂

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