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How to Find Your Life Purpose? Learn the questions that will help you

Writer's picture: Jędrzej SkarbekJędrzej Skarbek
How to find your life purpose - Empowerment Coaching Krakow

Choosing a life path and setting goals is a problem that many people struggle with. That is one of the most significant challenges that humans face. Knowing what we want to do gives us a sense of meaning, fulfillment, and motivation to act. If you have come here, you have probably asked yourself questions about your path more than once.

In this article, we provide tips and questions to help you discover your life purpose. It will lead you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your aspirations. It will also help you fully use your potential and find the answer to a fundamental question.

1. What is the Purpose of Human Life?

Purpose in life is a long-term direction, life calling, or life mission that gives meaning to our actions and decisions. It is something that motivates us and makes everyday duties more important. It can be related to various aspects such as career, relationships, personal development, or contribution to society.

2. Why is Setting Goals and Finding Purpose in Life Important?

Finding our purpose is crucial because it offers us direction and motivation. When we know what we strive for - we are focused and determined. It is also the basis of joy and fulfillment. It is a source of strength that allows us to cope with adversity because we have a clear vision of what we want to achieve.

Research on having a goal

A 2016 meta-analysis published in Psychosomatic Medicine found that setting such a goal significantly reduces all-cause mortality. Another study by scientists found that people with a strong sense of direction had a 43% lower risk of mortality, and having it reduced the risk of Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, sleep problems, and stroke.


The Purpose IP study, developed by the Korn Ferry Institute, shows that a strong sense of purpose correlates with work engagement and organizational commitment. Biomedical research also confirms that having a major allows you to live longer and better - and thus be your best self at work.

Conclusions from the study - future leaders will be more purpose-driven

In a Korn Ferry Institute survey of 233 European CEOs, board members, and futurists, almost three-quarters of those surveyed (74%) said a true sense of mission would be the key for the next CEO.


Compare this to, for example, technical knowledge, which only 30% of these leaders described as essential. Creating meaning is one of the basic human drives.


Employees want to know why they do what they do. Increasingly, CEOs can ask the question How do we want to function as a society? And use this vision to guide and shape the future. Essentially, CEOs in 2025 will be the primary meaning-making officers. However, how CEOs show up as leaders must be supported and aligned with who they are on the inside as people.

Conclusions from the study - impact on the sense of happiness

Do people who are healthy and happy have the time and energy to focus more on their passion and purpose? Or is it the other way around: does having a purpose lead people to feel better overall?


As is often the case in the social sciences, the answer is that it is a combination of both. On a behavioral level, people with a stronger sense of purpose:

  1. they are more likely to engage in health-promoting behaviors, such as sensible eating and using preventive healthcare

  2. they are less likely to engage in health-threatening behaviors, such as smoking and getting drunk.

Indeed, many studies have shown that intentional people are more active, both physically and socially. Moreover, research shows that the purpose serves as a buffer during stressful times and is biologically linked to reduced levels of the marker IL-6. That is one of the markers of inflammation that acts like a slow-burning fire, destroying healthy tissue.

Conclusions from the study - impact on the level of commitment at work

Clear direction fosters hope, resilience, and intrinsic motivation. People with a strong purpose are better able to achieve success in an uncertain world. They can better weather storms, cope with stress, and rise above difficult times.

The purpose is constant in a rapidly changing environment - this is the basic principle of choice.


When people are allowed to fulfill their purpose, they become more engaged and committed to their work. They are conscious of what they do and how they do it - in a way that expresses their values. They can recognize their unique talents and use them for influence.

3. How to Find Your Purpose in Life?

Defining a goal is a process that requires reflection on yourself and your aspirations. Start small. Remember that the goal should be realistic, measurable, and achievable. Review it regularly and adapt it to your growth and changing priorities.

First, it is worth considering the key questions. Below, you find a list of questions you have to ask yourself to understand what is important to you.

4. Discover What Gives You Pleasure

One of the key questions to ask yourself is What gives me the greatest pleasure? Think about what you like to do in your free time, what fascinates you, and what gives you joy. The answer to this question can help you find a goal that excites you and makes you feel fulfilled. It is crucial to realize what you like to do in life.

If you love drawing, you may want to consider a career in art or graphic design. If you are passionate about helping others, you will be a good fit in a charity or healthcare organization.

5. How Can You Use Your Strengths?

If you have not done so yet, understand your personality and carefully scan your strengths and weaknesses. Your chosen personality style test can help you with this. There are more and more tests available on the market. We prepared a comprehensive comparison in a separate article titled We explain how to choose a personality style test.

Every person has their unique talents. Analyze carefully what you are good at and what skills you have. Relying on your natural talents will make achieving your goals easier. You will feel more fulfilled.

If you are a great communicator, you might consider a career in marketing, public relations, or as a trainer. If you have a knack for numbers, It is probably worth considering a job in finance or engineering.

6. How do you spend your free time? What Would You Do If You Did not Have to Work?

Free time often reflects our true passions and interests. So stop and see how you spend your free time and what activities give you the greatest joy. These actions may point to areas where you may find your purpose in life.

For example, if you spend a lot of time reading books, you may want to consider a career as a writer, editor, or librarian. If you enjoy spending time outdoors, you may want to consider a job in environmental protection or tourism. If you like being on the move or meeting new people, working as a salesperson or reporter may be something for you.

7. What are your Life Values?

Values are the foundation on which we build our existence. Think about what values are most important to you, what moral principles you adhere to, and how they may affect your goal. Acting by your values brings satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment and significantly simplifies decision-making.

For example, if you value honesty and justice, you may find your life purpose by working in organizations that promote transparency and accountability. If creativity is important to you, you may pursue a career that allows you to express yourself creatively.

A free ebook in PDF file format is available on our website, which will guide you step by step through the process of defining your values. After completing this process, you will receive a list of your ten most important values, ordered in order of importance.

ebook on values in life - title page

8. When Do You Feel Most Fulfilled?

Think for a moment in which situations you feel most fulfilled and satisfied. This is a very important criterion. Fulfillment often comes from actions that align with our passions and values.

If you feel fulfilled by helping others, you may want to consider working in healthcare, education, or nonprofit organizations. If you find fulfillment in creating something new, you may pursue a career in engineering, architecture, or art.

A simple test to check whether your goal is consistent with your current job

Ask yourself the following four questions:


1. Do you know what you are most passionate about?


2. Does your purpose fit with your organization's mission?


3. Do you give up certain things for things you are passionate about?


4. Does working in your organization allow you to fulfill your dreams?

If you answered yes to questions 1 and 3 of this test, you are more likely to be engaged at work. If you answered yes to questions 2 and 4, you are more likely to be involved in the organization.

If you answered "no" to at least two questions on this test, maybe it is time to reconsider your values, needs, interests, and talents.

9. How to Set a Purpose in Life - Additional Questions to Help You Discover It

Here are ten additional questions. Use them at a convenient time. Thanks to them, you will unleash the most creativity and sincerity in yourself. Take a break, sit comfortably, relax, take paper and a pen, and listen to your inner self. Then, write down the answers that come from inside.

  • How would you like to be remembered, and what words would you like to read on your obituary or tombstone? (do not be afraid of these thoughts - people who successfully implement their plans are painfully honest with themselves).

  • What would you like to leave behind?

  • What would you do if you found out you had one year left?

  • Do you want to be seen as a successful person, or do you want to be a fulfilled person? Would you rather have others admire you, or would you like to feel good about yourself?

  • What could you do for absolutely free? What are you willing to do just for the pleasure of doing it?

  • What were you passionate about as a child? Take a good look because passions are born during this period. Look at these seemingly innocent activities on a deeper level.

  • What comes easily to you or makes you forget about time?

  • What do you dream about but are afraid to take a concrete step toward realizing these dreams?

  • Who inspires you? Who might you envy? And what?

  • Finally, imagine that you have enough money and that it will last you for the rest of your life. What would you continue to do, and what would you give up? Would you continue the work you are doing now?

10. Learn Life Goal Examples

Examples of goals can be very diverse. These may be career-related areas such as achieving a specific position, starting your own company, or winning a prestigious award. These may also include traveling around the world, developing a passion, or starting a family.

Here are specific examples:

  • By the age of 35, start a happy family and then raise happy children.

  • Become financially independent before the age of 45 and then be able to travel the world.

  • To be among the Top 10 in the world in my discipline, and then prepare for the role of a coach who will raise my successors.

  • Spread knowledge and good practices related to a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating.

  • Become a leading politician in my country to influence its further development.

  • Build a house with a garden in a beautiful, quiet place to have a piece of your heaven and enjoy designing and maintaining a garden and experimenting with different herbs and plants.

  • Find a professional path that will provide me with a decent income and, at the same time, a healthy work-life balance, so that I can enjoy my life and not devote it to work.

For example, if you dream of starting your own company, start by gaining appropriate knowledge and building a network of contacts. First, find out how those who succeeded did it, make a good business plan, break topics into smaller parts, plan your actions, and take the first small step towards short-term goals that will lead you to the larger, long-term goals.

Summary: Most Important Conclusions

  • Purpose in life is a long-term direction that gives meaning to our actions.

  • Finding your goal is a source of motivation and strength in overcoming difficulties.

  • Wise questions help you understand what you want to do in life.

  • Life paths may be related to relationships, careers, individual passions, or contributions to society.

  • First, think carefully about what gives you pleasure, what your strengths are, and how you like spending your free time.

  • Act by your values - this brings satisfaction.

  • Setting goals is a process that requires you to clearly define your aspirations and review them regularly.

The entire process is a journey that requires time and reflection. Asking yourself the right questions and listening to your needs will help you find YOUR purpose, find a job consistent with YOUR life mission, and find your passion and the path to fulfillment and happiness.

Nowadays, we are required to follow various trends. Remember, however, that the most important thing is to be true to yourself and pursue your dreams despite the desire to please anyone. It takes courage, but it is worth doing because only this way you will live your life your way.




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