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Ahimsa - do not cause unnecessary suffering

Empowerment Coaching Krakow Blog-Ahimsa-do not cause unnecessary suffering

Today, we are publishing a guest post on the Empowerment Coaching blog.

Kamila Lachowicz - Empathic Communication Trainer, and Mediator - agreed to publish her text about the Ahimsa approach, which really fascinated me. I am taking Ahimsa with me to 2023.

Kamila conducts training for effective communication and cooperation based on needs and values. He works with teams and leaders, basing his workshop on the NVC (Non-Violent Communication) Model.

Kamila, thank you for agreeing to this publication!


"I recently witnessed a conversation, a conversation written on a popular social networking site. One person looked for a graphic designer, and explained the rules, using words that others did not like.

However, more than words, commentators did not like the institution to which this person belonged and for which they were looking for a graphic artist.

I have had a reflection on what respect for another person is and whether the institution he belongs to has an impact on how others treat this person. How are their grammar skills, attitude, and beliefs judged?

I asked. I got an affirmative answer.

What is Ahimsa?

Buddhist non-violence, not contributing to unnecessary suffering, avoiding being hurt by word and deed. Avoiding unnecessary pain to others. On this 'almost' Marshall B. Rosenberg built the NVC 4 Step Model - a trend that I have been exploring for several years and spreading further.

Why is this important to me?

I value diversity in the world and in people. We may disagree with something or someone, we may not like something, someone's style of writing, someone's outfit, someone's wording, or someone's hobbies or preferences (I'm not talking about aggressive statements towards others and aggression in itself, although here too I see a field to respect), but does it give us (I'm talking about commentators) the right to inflict suffering.

If you ever want to give someone a precious gift, it can be silence, listening, and presence. No violence. Unrated. We do not have to immediately point out mistakes to strangers on the Internet or relatives at a family meeting. We can accept (try) people as they are. In a way, I encourage you to accept that someone may have different needs, values, dreams, and action strategies. Is it then necessary to inflict suffering with a hurtful word, harmful opinion, or sarcasm?

Words have power. Marshall B. Rosenberg said that we can please people with words, enjoy their wisdom, and we can make their lives miserable with words. It is up to us what we choose."

Kamila Lachowicz


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